You see... most of the time when I write a post, I enjoy it. There's something that's inspired the idea behind the post... an experience, a conversation, a place, but most importantly a feeling. I want to write on those occasions. Also, by all this, I don't mean to say my "inspired" posts don't "suck" (most of them do), what I mean is I enjoyed writing them no matter the quality of writing or entertainment value. That's the point... I enjoyed the writing part of it.
Okay, okay, so back to this post.
Why even bother with it, you may ask. It's a very good question, one I've even asked myself. Here's how I rationalize it (because it's always important to rationalize):
1. My close friends and family actually check this silly blog to see where the hell I am and what the hell I'm up to. (So cool of them!) The least I can do is try to post something - anything. (And for the new and random visitors to this blog, I apologize).
2. There'll come a day or days when I'll want to go back and revisit what I was doing. It's the same reason you write in your journal at night even when it was a crappy or uneventful day.
3. I'm not a good enough writer to be without instances where I lack inspiration and/or motivation - it's just how it is. So, got to keep at it, because it'll be enjoyable again soon. I just think of those instances as spells of blogger's-block, if you will.
So, to the older and wiser Tim who will read this some day, I can tell you that your younger and wilder self was in Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai for a few days. You hopped the Thai/Lao border on a boat across the Mekong - crossing from Huay Xai to Chiang Khong. You mostly explored the temples in town, visited night markets, read, and ate great food. You thought about going on another guided trek, or an elephant ride, but felt unmotivated - largely due to the rains that accompanied you through Northern Thailand.
One day, as you were killing a few minutes in an internet cafe (you had 10 minutes left of the 1hr that you purchased) you decided to browse some of the websites of the SE Asian discount airlines. You found a $35 ticket from Chiang Mai to Singapore... which leaves the next day. You'd never considered going to Singapore, but decide "What the hell! It's $35, and I can cross overland through Malaysia back into Southern Thailand." So you went to Singapore.
Novice Monks caring for Wat Chedi Luang...

$35 plane ticket, hot damn!
Been through a lot of those same thoughts on blogging myself, think I just keep doing it for the sake of blogging - my writing sucks even in the occasional inspired post...
$35 bucks gets me from about Seattle to Ellensberg in my Jeep (Since you have been gone gas is around $3.25/gallon). Damn you and your frivolous flights all over the world. Just keep blogging because even if you arent inspired sometimes your readers are by what you write.
Okay... now you guys are going to kill me. Air Asia is flying me from Phuket to Bangkok for $12 plus $5 of taxes... it's crazy! I'm expecting chickens and pigs to be running through the aisles.
Thanks for the encouragement on the blogging...
and... $3.25/gal?!? what the F%#@!!!
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