Monday, March 13, 2006

The Long Black

I was in NZ four years ago with BC ex-girlfriend. We were in route to three months of travel in the South Pacific and only had a couple nights layover in Auckland. I'd just finished Uni (college) and only managed to do so by consuming disturbing quantities of coffee. It wasn't just a necessity... I also really liked the stuff.

So... for two days, as we wandered and explored the city of Auckland, my poor girlfriend had to put up with my constant quest for a cup of coffee. She was incredibly patient with, if not amused by, my increasingly desperate queries.

"Hello, can I get a drip coffee?"
"A drip what?"

"Do you serve plain brewed coffee?"
"Nah mate... what's that? Do you mean like an espresso?"

"Do you have coffee to-go?"
"To-go? Ahhh... you mean 'Take-Away'. Sure mate... what'd you want? A short black?"

The largest city of this country and not a single cafe or coffee shop served a plain old cup o' joe. What are these strange coffee drinks... Flat White? Short Black? Long Black? I... just... want... a drip coffeeeee...

So my second time around and I've decoded the coffee menu posted at coffee shops all across New Zealand.

1. No... they don't brew plain old coffee here.
2. Short Black = one shot of espresso.
3. Long Black = two shots espresso with a spot of hot water.
4. According to one barista, when milk is properly steamed, it separates into 3 layers: top - froth, middle - "velvety milk", bottom - the "thinnest milk".
5. Flat White = one shot of espresso w/"velvety milk"
6. Latte = one shot of espresso w/the "thinnest milk"
7. Cappucino = one shot of espresso w/froth
8. Mocca = a Latte with cocoa.

So now you know, and knowing is half the battle. I'm a long black man myself, but sometimes I cut it with a little more hot water.

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