Sunday, March 26, 2006

And you think you know someone...

...especially if that someone is yourself!

Showered today for the first time in... ummm... 6 days? Standing in front of the mirror I notice something on my shoulder... kind of near the base of my neck.

Is that? Nooo... it IS! Hair! Two of them... and not that peach fuzzy stuff. Proper black hair!

Oh no... is this how it starts? Will it get worse? Am I... [gulp]... going to be like my high school gym teacher? I shudder at the thought of Mr. Christie's back hair poking out and even through his T-shirts. Ugh!

Does Dad have back hair? Shit... can't remember. Wait... or is it your mother's father that has to...? No... that's balding, stupid.

Better take care of this right now.

And with two quick pulls, my back is hairless once more... for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't get a haircut, and please dont shave either. I don't know if they would let you back in the country, but damn that would be a sight. Sucks Mr. Christie popped into your head while on vacation.