Monday, September 18, 2006

Anyone still out there?

Blogging Technique Suggestions, brought to you by

1. Write quality content and do it well...
Proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar. (blah, blah, blah) Avoid run-on sentences, over using ellipsis (the omission from a sentence of one or more words that would clarify the construction... yup, I had to look it up too), and excessive parenthetical statements. What are these guys talking about? They just don't understand my style.

2. Publish regular updates...
Yeah, okay... busted. It's a recurring problem for me... my inspiration to blog ebbs and flows. It's been ebbing for a while, and not for lack of great times this summer... I think mostly I've just been caught up in the doing part of life.

3. Think of your audience...
Do I have an audience? Probably not any more. Think of my audience, eh? Well, I obviously haven't been great about that, though ultimately I guess no one has to read this nonsense if they don't want to.
(geez.. guilt trip. What? Oh, well, yeah... I suppose I am choosing to feel guilty).

4. Keep search engines in mind...
Ummm?.. yeah. What he said.

5. Keep your posts and paragraphs short...
Oh, now this is one that I'm really really bad at. Seriously. Every post I sit down and think... this will be the one that will be quick, witty, and to the point. Every. Single. Time. And I never seem to come up with that clever snippet... so instead I compensate with posts of Gary Larson comics and music recommendation. uh, whatever.

6. Stop making false promises about the blog...
I came up with that one. It's a good one. I'm starting it today!


Anonymous said...

You still have at least one reader. Nevermind that this reader also sees you in person daily. But that will soon change (sad!). So keep up the blogging whenever inspiration strikes you, not out of some sense of necessity, and I will keep checking in (yea for surfing the web while in class!), looking forward to hearing a little of what you are up to.

Anonymous said...

Two readers Oaktown...count me in for another year of tagging along on your journey to the south...Hope all is well and have a safe trip down...later brother

TO said...

Thanks for staying with me guys... lets see where we end up this time around. Cheers, Timmy

Slartibartfast said...

I'm still here dude, see you in Denver? Give Scharen a great big hug for me when you get down there!


Anonymous said...

I think you have a lot more followers than you believe. And as far as keeping it short or thinking about your audience, screw that. Write for yourself and make the posts as long or short as they need to be. The people will keep reading.