Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The marbles in my head - Part 2

This is the post where I ramble neurotically about my still-to-be-defined-plans for the next year or so. It's good to have plans, I think. Some people swear by the six month plan, or the three year plan, the five year plan... I personally like the one year plan, amended with loose ideas for the two years to follow. I mean, you can never really account for everything that will happen; there's only so much that is actually within one's control. But, it's always good to have goals, aspirations, ideas... I think.

Yesterday afternoon I was offered (albeit informally) a contract to work in Antarctica once more, next austral summer. Back in February, when I finished my four month dish-monkey gig, I only applied for four positions in the Antarctic Program... one of them was for Fuels Operator, more commonly called "Fuelie". This time next week, I'll know whether there is a formal contract that would send me back down to the ICE from late-Sept to late-Feb. This opportunity actually comes as a huge surprise, because, honestly, I never expected to be offered any of the jobs that I applied for... everyone covets those jobs.

So now my mind's racing wildly, and I'm at that place where opportunities abound, anything and everything seems possible, the choices are overwhelming, and I feel wildly alive. It's my favorite feeling.

To be sure... I'm also anxious. Would going down to the ICE another season, essentially extending my hiatus from any sort of "career development" by another year, be disastrous for any longer-term professional goals that I have. Am I being escapist? Foolhardy? Evading life's more difficult choices by justifying this venture as adventure and life-experience? I'm not sure.

But I guess those doubts are mostly moot... if/when I get a paper contract, I'll be headed back to Antarctica for a second season, and my mind swims with all things I hope for next season... a radio slot? run the marathon? MAAG (McMurdo Alternative Art Gallery) submission? rugby team? getting out in the field? learning to weld? books to read? friends to reconnect with?

And after the season? So many possibilities... backpack Nepal, Tibet, Northern India, through to Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan... or maybe, just do Nepal, Tibet and Northern India then go visit my friend Sarah in London and bum around Europe for a while - Eastern Europe would be awesome... but maybe, I'll do a short stint in Asia, 6 weeks or so, and get myself back to the States to start the Pacific Crest Trail in late April.

Much to think over.


Anonymous said...

Tim, please go back down!!!! I'll miss you if you don't! Career?....Shamreer!

TO said...

I'm trying Jess, I'm trying. Thought I'd know for sure by now, but I guess I'm waiting for some budgeting decisions to be made within the Fuels Dept. Thanks for the career advice (HA!)... looking forward to seeing you.