Sunday, July 16, 2006

Al Gore didn't invent the internet?

Actually... he didn't. And actually, he never said he did.

But that's beside the point of this post. That stupid title was a "hook"... Ha Ha! Did I get you?

The reason for this post, one which I've been meaning to write, and one which has been reinspired by Popo and Law-School-Roommate's posts, is this:

Please, please, please go see the film 'An Inconvenient Truth'. Yup, it's that global-warming documentary "starring" our favorite former Vice President Al Gore.

Seriously though... it's an incredible piece of public education. The film follows, depicts, chronicles Al Gore's world-wide tour of a multi-media presentation he's been giving for years and years. It sounds dry, I know, but trust me... it's incredibly moving, enlightening, and disturbing. I actually saw folks wiping away tears on their way out of the theater.

Gore was dubbed a personality-less robot during the 2000 Election, but you know what... he's just kind of a dork... like you and me. I love dorks. He does, in fact, have a sense of humor, the type that laughs at goofy puns. And what's more, he's just so passionate and thoughtful. He reminds you of your dad, or your good friend's dad... what he projects is an incredibly genuine concern for his rejuvenated purpose: Fighting Global Warming.

The funny thing is, the thought that most excited me as my friend and I discussed the film in a pub after the showing was the potential of the film, because it is just that… a film. As I said, Gore’s message is alarming, thought provoking, and inspiring, but honestly, had I not seen this film, I would have never known he was out there campaigning for this cause.

In this day and age of media saturated developed nations, cinematic and televised information seems to be the most easily digested form of information. The average American, at least, seems to have lost their attention span for topics such as these... scientific, statistics-laden. To be sure, this is obviously a global issue, but I think the challenge for Western nations is to get people to actually care, to actually have a vested interest in the problem we face.

Well, I think the film is an amazing vehicle to do just that… inspire people. And what could seem an overwhelming statistics-driven message, is presented graphically and metaphorically in a way that I think appeals to a huge demographic. The problem, I fear, is that no one is seeing the the film… or not enough people are seeing the film.

I think the film-makers have something amazing here, and if the true mission of the film is to affect change, then it behooves them to make the film more accessible. The message is simple and powerful, and it can be understood by middle school and high school kids. The teachers out there could show the film in classrooms… what kid wouldn’t want to watch a movie over taking notes from a stupid overhead? Get the young people of this world to start thinking, questioning, and talking. Give away copies of the film to educators.


But I digress... I can't imagine the film makers giving away DVD's, and more so... I can't imagine partisan school-board members allowing, what some might falsely label a politically driven film, into their sterile curriculum. So yeah... you guys should go see the film. And if you have kids, or younger siblings... take them too. After all, it is we (and they) who will be feeling the lasting, and for now worsening, effects of Global Warming.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I second your sentiment 100%. if you need help spreading the word, you can tell your reluctant friends to get free tickets to Inconvenient Truth from Share The Truth. It was cool, I helped folks in Wisconsin get tickets last weekend :-)

TO said...

Well done Karen! Thanks for commenting and spreading the word. Great link... I also read on the AIT-blog that they are now showing in 562 theaters nation-wide... there should be a showing somewhere close to anyone reading this!

Anonymous said...

Global Warming's a real thing? I suppose you'll say it isn't right to teach American children how to be good Christians in public schools. Let's all just thank God thank we have such a masterful president at the helm of this country now, making the world a safer place for us one day at a time. Who knows where we'd be if that shifty Al Gore ever had been given the presidency. Like he could ever have invented the internet.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tim, well put as usual. I've heard the movie is great and definitely need to see it. I heard at the end of it there's a list of simple everyday things that anyone can do to help ease the effects of Global Warming also. Sounds like they've thought of everything.

P.S.: The comments seemed too one-sided so I had Joey America speak his peace up there as well.