The newest style for this winter, designers in Europe are frantically looking for a way to duplicate the look using synthetic polymers.

-10 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. I had the day off from work today and went for a hike down to Scott Base, the New Zealand Station, and up Observation Hill. Here’s a link to the pictures:
Did you find any geocaches yet ? There has to be some near your location.
It looks cold where you are ! Hope you're having fun. Rock On ! - Chad
Try and get this one: Pickup the Jeep travel bug for me ! :-) - Chad
Thanks for prodding. I'll see if I can find some other geocachers. The one that you linked is actually a couple thousand miles away, so I may start with something closer :)
Take care, TO
haha. There's a bunch more too ! :-) Goto and search for Antartica.
So did you get assigned a job yet ? What are you doing ? - Chad
That's a great picture of you!
anyway, i'm glad you've met so many neat folks out there--it figures, really. adventures like that bring the neatest people together. it's a little, but not really, like how i met wes.
i shall write you a real letter before long, but i just wanted to say HI and I'm loving your cds but missing you!
Nice photo buddy. You look like Han Solo in the Empire Strikes Back as he searches for the lost Skywalker in the ice base of the frozen planet Hoth. Hope all is well...
Update this blog man...I'm living through your experience right now. I've checked this at least 3 times a day for the past 3 days and nothing! I want to know whats happening down there. Hope all is well man. Send me some stories about penguins so I can tell my biology students.
With each photo, my jaw kept dropping more and more. I thought I've seen some cool stuff in my day, but those pictures are amazing-like nothing else I've ever seen. It's almost like you are on a whole different continent.
Great Blog Tim!
Some of your pictures remind me of a few Apple Cups in Pullman. Looks like you are having a great time. Elise, Olivia and I are looking forward to getting together with you over a beer (milk for Olivia) and hearing your stories. Good luck with the dishes, I've been there too.
SPENCE et al...
Sorry for the lack of updates... haven't been able to steal myself away to put up any posts. I'm determined to throw a few stories tonight...
Tim - Wow, just read the whole blog. Pics were also GREAT!! What a lovely white place, that Antartica!! Washing dishes? Not quite what you had in mind!! Pullman is beautiful and warm right now - better than 10 degrees!!
How's it goin' ? -Chad
If you are standing on the South Pole can you potentially walk clockwise or counterclockwise around that point and be an hour ahead or behind because of time zones in a matter of inches?
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